Group 3
Welcome to the NEW TWO WEEK INTENSIVE on tonebase!
Improving your Lyricism (feat Chopin)
Post your progress with videos and written commentary on how things are going for you!
- Course Period: June 26 - July 10th
- Class Size: ALL are welcome!
- Optional check-In via Zoom: July 2nd at 11am PT
- ZOOM MEETING Recording!
- https://youtu.be/Fl-ExGT9aZY
Assignment #1
- Pick a short piece (Mazurka, Nocturne, Prelude) or excerpt of a longer piece (Ballade, Polonaise, Scherzo, Sonata, Concerto). Focus on lyrical/slow sections.
- Learn bass carefully, labelling all chords and cadences.
- SING melodic line. Practice singing until your voice can identify the melody instantly.
- Submit a video: playing the Bass while singing the Soprano.
Assignment #2
-Label all breathing points with an apostrophe between phrase markings. Practice deep breaths between significant points or use a regular breath for phrase changes.
-Sing Bass notes of all chords while playing Soprano melody.
-Submit a video: playing hands together (performance).
Hi, I am Dagmar. As I am only around grade 5, I will probably go for a Prelude I already learned a while ago: 28.7, because a new piece would take too much time, I think. Or maybe I try just some first bars/phrases from a Nocturne, if that's enough?
And a side question: are there any videos on solfege? I know what it is (and have also heard of movable do and fixed do), but I find it hard to practise it without any material that tells you if you are doing wrong or right... -
So happy to be here! I will continue to work on the Nocturne op55 no 1 from Chopin. I really want to succeed in playing this magnificent Chopin Nocturne as it deserves. A great challenge for me to always try to surpass myself in terms of interpretation. Thank you, Jarred & Dominic, for helping me achieve this goal.
After watching Jarred video, I will maybe choose another piece than the Nocturne op 55 no 1,from Chopin to do this twoweeks challenge, I will see how it goes.
Hi all,
Perfect timing! I have just recorded his etude Op. 10, No. 3. Hope you enjoy it.
https://youtu.be/SGhE1INLe7Y?si=TfnnfbpM4n967-Z8Best wishes,
Ok, I found an easier piece where I have the chance to get the first bars hopefully done for this challenge, though it is still challenging for me: Sostenuto in Eb.
Is there someone more advanced who could help me with the fingering in a trickier part, please? Key is Eb, my hand is small, octave span (on white keys a ninth at the edges, 2-5 on Ab-F is stretched but possible)
Is my fingering suggestion reasonable or stupid?