Group 3

Welcome to the NEW TWO WEEK INTENSIVE on tonebase!


 Improving your Lyricism (feat Chopin)


Post your progress with videos and written commentary on how things are going for you!


  • Course Period: June 26 - July 10th
  • Class Size: ALL are welcome!
  • Optional check-In via Zoom: July 2nd at 11am PT
  • ZOOM MEETING Recording!


Assignment #1


- Pick a short piece (Mazurka, Nocturne, Prelude) or excerpt of a longer piece (Ballade, Polonaise, Scherzo, Sonata, Concerto). Focus on lyrical/slow sections.

- Learn bass carefully, labelling all chords and cadences. 

- SING melodic line. Practice singing until your voice can identify the melody instantly.

- Submit a video: playing the Bass while singing the Soprano.




Assignment #2


-Label all breathing points with an apostrophe between phrase markings. Practice deep breaths between significant points or use a regular breath for phrase changes.


-Sing Bass notes of all chords while playing Soprano melody.

-Submit a video: playing hands together (performance).

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    • Dagmar
    • always curious
    • Dagmar
    • 7 mths ago
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    Hi, I am Dagmar. As I am only around grade 5, I will probably go for a Prelude I already learned a while ago: 28.7, because a new piece would take too much time, I think. Or maybe I try just some first bars/phrases from a Nocturne, if that's enough?

    And a side question: are there any videos on solfege? I know what it is (and have also heard of movable do and fixed do), but I find it hard to practise it without any material that tells you if you are doing wrong or right... 

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 7 mths ago
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      Lc That was my question....I have a "do", that morphs into "do sharp" and after a lovely swish it is now "do flat"...LOL!  

      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 7 mths ago
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      Lc This is a wonderful chart, though.  i just don't have time to learn all the syllables right now.

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      • Lc
      • lc_piano
      • 7 mths ago
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      Gail Starr i agree. If you could sing the pitch (or at least in the head), i feel like all the syllables are an afterthought, akin to lyrics.

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      • Dagmar
      • always curious
      • Dagmar
      • 7 mths ago
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      Gail  haha it's a doditi 🤣 or doobeedoo in Jazz 😂 or is the do flat a new do? Confusing, as there is no such thing as a flattened tonic, is it? Perhaps it is not do? My piece starts on so-mi, took me some time to understand this...

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 7 mths ago
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      Dagmar I love the jazz term best!  Thanks!

      Like 1
    • Gail Starr a sharpened ‘do’ becomes ‘di’

      I’ve been a Kodály musicianship teacher for decades…

      I would recommend you go with the movable ‘do’ approach, otherwise you might just as well singing letter names. Whereas a movable do means that all the intervals are the same no matter which key you are singing in. For example, do to so it’s always a perfect fifth, regardless of which key you are in, you do not need to be working out possible accidentals you just need to know where do is. There’s a lot more advantages as well, but not enough space really to write it all down here.

      Like 2
    • Lc Hi,

      A flat 7th is usually ’ta’.

      Kodály always said that solfa was a tool and you should use it as necessary. You can simply change your ‘do’ when you modulate.

      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 7 mths ago
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      Angela Fogg Thank you for the great advice!  I decided to skip the solfège syllables since I didn’t have time to learn them right now.  But it’s definitely on my bucket list.

    • Gail Starr an unnecessary complication. You’re absolutely right when you say it’s just like learning lyrics - nonsensical ones at that. As I say they are a tool for other things and not an end in themselves. Happy singing and playing!

      Like 1
    • Aline Valade
    • Artist
    • Aline_Valade
    • 7 mths ago
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    So happy to be here! I will continue to work on the Nocturne op55 no 1 from Chopin. I really want to succeed in playing this magnificent Chopin Nocturne as it deserves. A great challenge for me to always try to surpass myself in terms of interpretation.  Thank you, Jarred & Dominic, for helping me achieve this goal.


    After watching Jarred video, I will maybe choose another piece than the Nocturne op 55 no 1,from Chopin to do this twoweeks challenge, I will see how it goes. 

    Like 3
      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 7 mths ago
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      Aline Valade Je tiens à t’écouter, Aline! T’as choisi qqchose d’autre?  J’ai vachement mal à faire le solfège.  Je ne chante jamais.

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      • Aline Valade
      • Artist
      • Aline_Valade
      • 7 mths ago
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      Gail Starr Bonjour Gail, je crois que je vais choisir quelque chose d'autre pour ce challenge car je fait déjà un travail sur le nocture op55 no 1 avec Jarred. Je me suis inscrite au tutorial privée avec lui et 4 autres personnes, chaque lundi, pendant 4 semaines. Je vais voir. 


      Moi non plus je ne chante pas, du moins à haute-voix, je chante dans ma tête. Mais, je vais changer cela et oser chanter à haute voix, même si ma voix biffurque vers le aigu. Lol. 


      Je pensais prendre des cours de chant, j'avais oublier que je voulais faire ça pour ameliorer l'interprètation pianistique. J'ai tendance à oublier mes buts...J'ai aussi acheté un violon voilà deux ans pour aussi m'aider au piano et je n'ai pas encore trouver un professeur de violon. Vois tu, cela j'oublie aussi, même si le violon est prêt de mon piano. lol. 


      J'ai fait beaucoup de progrès depuis que j'ai un professeur de piano privé. J'aurais dû faire ça bien avant. 


      Et pour mon anxiété j'ai utiliser les services d'un psycho-hypnotiseur. Ça aussi ça ma beaucoup aidé. 


      Écouté ce tutoriel de Tonebass aide aussi : tu l'as écouté ?

      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 7 mths ago
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      Aline Valade 

      Oui, je viens de noter que Magdalena a fait le tutoriel de bel canto.  Je vais le regarder cette semaine! 

      Tu as un tas de projets.  C'est super!  Mais, ça va prendre beaucoup de temps d'apprendre le violon et le chant!  Et, en plus, je suis ravie que tu puisses travailler avec J pendant qques semaines (même s'il y a 3 autres personnes).  Il va t'aider bcp.

      Et c'est chouette que t'as trouvé un hypnotiseur.  Je n'ai jamais pensé d'essayer cela!

      Comme des morceaux pour le TWI, peut-être tu pourrais faire un des Préludes...ou qque autre morceaux qui est très court?

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    • Tammy
    • TT2022
    • 7 mths ago
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    Here’s my stab at the chords. There were several bars that left me flummoxed, as marked with the pink stickies!

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    • Tammy Great work on the harmonic analysis - your sticky notes are the following chords: m. 13 is F augmented triad over an F major bass; m. 19 is C augmented triad over a C major bass; m. 22 is F-sharp diminished7+ 4-3 suspension in soprano; m. 26 is V7 + 4-3 suspension in soprano.

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      • Tammy
      • TT2022
      • 7 mths ago
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      Jarred Dunn Wow, thank you for this, Jarred. It's so helpful to see your answers. I would never ever have arrived at "F# minor diminished 7 chord with a 4-3 soprano suspension" on my own! 

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    • Hazel
    • Hazel
    • 7 mths ago
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    Hi, I’m currently learning the Mazurka Op 17 no4 so will use this. My submission maybe a little late this week as I’m currently away from home on holiday but I will work on it asap. 🖐️😎

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 7 mths ago
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      Hazel I’m learning that one also, Hazel but I’ll do Op. 17 #2 for the TWI.

      • Hazel
      • Hazel
      • 7 mths ago
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      Gail Starr That’s great. We can be Mazurka buddies!  I found Jarred’s tutorial on Mazurka no4 really useful. I don’t think I’ve tried no.2

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 7 mths ago
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      Hazel Yes, I thought his entire Mazurka series was super interesting.  #4 is SO lovely! 

    • Aaron
    • Aaron.2
    • 7 mths ago
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    Hi all,


    Perfect timing! I have just recorded his etude Op. 10, No. 3. Hope you enjoy it.


    Best wishes,


    Like 4
    • Aaron Thank you for posting this Aaron, I enjoyed it very much indeed.


      Beautiful sound!

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    • Dagmar
    • always curious
    • Dagmar
    • 7 mths ago
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    Ok, I found an easier piece where I have the chance to get the first bars hopefully done for this challenge, though it is still challenging for me: Sostenuto in Eb.

    Is there someone more advanced who could help me with the fingering in a trickier part, please? Key is Eb, my hand is small, octave span (on white keys a ninth at the edges, 2-5 on Ab-F is stretched but possible)

    Is my fingering suggestion reasonable or stupid?

    Like 2
    • Dagmar I'd have to see you use that fingering to know how well it works for your hand specifically. Chord analysis is correct. I'll try your fingerings and if I find something I think will help I'll attach it here shortly.

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      • Dagmar
      • always curious
      • Dagmar
      • 7 mths ago
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      Jarred Dunn I uploaded a video for you:

      And already realized that my fingering is stupid 😆

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