TWI: Improving your Lyricism (feat Chopin)

Jun 24 at 12 AM - Jul 8 at 12 AM PDT

Upcoming Two Week intensive - stay tuned!

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    • Sachi
    • Sachi
    • 3 mths ago
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    Due to travelling, I won't be able to join the TWI, but I would love to watch videos. 

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    • Michelle R
    • Michelle_Russell
    • 3 mths ago
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    Hi Dominic Cheli , will this be for all levels or should one have Chopin in the repertoire already? Thanks.

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    • Ideally for Chopin pieces, but can honestly be applied to any lyrical piece!

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      • Michelle R
      • Michelle_Russell
      • 3 mths ago
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      Dominic Cheli Thanks!

    • Michelle R Just a little tip, there is exist some Nocturnes by Dennis Alexander that I have enjoyed teaching some of my students. They’re supposed to be “in the style of Chopin”, but easier and educational. The first one might suit you. 
      Otherwise, I’m sure you have other lyrical pieces to play :) 

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      • Michelle R
      • Michelle_Russell
      • 3 mths ago
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      Sindre Skarelven Thanks so much for the tip, Sindre. I’ll mention this to my teacher today. I just started two new pieces (Frank Lynes Analytical Sonatina in C - definitely not lyrical! And a Duvernoy Etude.), but since I usually work 3 pieces at a time there is room for one more. I’ll see what his thoughts are. If not now, this might be a great piece soon. Thanks again!

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    • Bryan Sable
    • Lifelong Piano Learner and Educator
    • Bryan_Sable
    • 3 mths ago
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    VERY excited for this intensive- did it begin today?

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    • Bryan Sable I think the sign up is today with the first assignment to be given Wednesday.

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  • Hello! Looking forward to this two-week intensive, although it is falling on two of my busiest weeks. I will try to keep up the best I can and if I can’t contribute content (or do less than I normally would) I will still be watching all the videos, reading posts, and commenting and/or asking questions. Thank you for offering this class! — Paige

    • Ken Locke
    • Hanon survivor
    • Ken_Locke
    • 3 mths ago
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    Hi everyone,


    Has this TWI started? It was rescheduled, I think, to start today. However this landing page still says to stay tuned. 


    I get the feeling there is another page somewhere for it but I can't find it for the life of me. 

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    • Ken Locke Hi Ken! I believe I sent you an email about this, but if you didn't receive it, take a look at this link, and hop into any Group that you wish!


      The assignment is posted there :)


      • Ken Locke
      • Hanon survivor
      • Ken_Locke
      • 3 mths ago
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      Dominic Cheli Thanks Dominic. Now, for my next question - how do I know which group I'm in? Sorry for being dense. This is my first TWI (thought I would give it a twy)



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    • Ken Locke You are more than welcome to join any group!

      The only reason we have groups is to organize things so that "one page" doesn't have 500 replies! I suggest perhaps joining Group 1 as there are slightly fewer people in that group?

      The assignments are all the same!

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