Pedaling at the piano, from Level 1 to Virtuoso! with Dominic Cheli

The pedals are the soul of the piano, and today Dominic Cheli shares tips and advice for everyone, from those just starting out to advanced players!


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We are going to be using this thread to gather suggestions and questions!                                                                                

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  • Here are some areas I have questions about. It would be nice if you could cover them.

    Please say something about partial pedaling of the sustain pedal. Does the piano need to be carefully regulated for partial pedaling, i.e. so all strings decay at the same rate for a given pedal position? Is it possible to increase the range of pedal depression over which the dampers go from just on to full on, making it easier to partial pedal, or is this just how the piano is built? (Really a question for my tuner, I suppose, but of interest anyway.)

    Chopin, among others, often mark notes as staccato while he marks the sustain pedal as down. What sound is he trying to get? Can it be achieved with a modern piano?



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    • Yolanda
    • Yolanda
    • 1 yr ago
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    Please explain the pedaling technique for Beethoven  Sonate OPus 10 No 2  2nd movement allegretto especially  bar39  same note with tied .   the key point for pedaling this movement 

    • Yolanda
    • Yolanda
    • 1 yr ago
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    Also can you explain about hand pedaling ? when & how do we use hand pedaling technique ? 

  • Can you discuss the curious and controversial pedal indications/markings in 2nd mvt of Beethoven's 3rd piano concerto?   or the 1st movt of his  " Moonlight " Sonata.   How does that shed light on the color and atmosphere that Beethoven was searching for?    Thanks for addressing this much neglected topic. 

  • I don't have access to an acoustic piano and from what I understand a higher level of artistic pedalling is harder to achieve on a digital piano. Can I get your thoughts on practicing pedalling on a digital piano, to one day translate that skill to acoustic and the differences between the two.

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    • Grace
    • Grace
    • 1 yr ago
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    What pedalling do your recommend for Albeniz' Asturias in the Allegro section and ending?

    • Hans
    • Hpe_leuven
    • 1 yr ago
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    Do you always put the pedal down entirely or sometimes only halfway or even less? Thank you!

    • Yolanda
    • Yolanda
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hi Dominic ;

    thanks for your tutorial online and it is helpful and lots tips to learn how to play piano better .  I spent time to watch your tutorial during Christmas time .  I wonder when tonebase will introduce  Beethoven  Sonate OPus 10 No 2 piece in 2024 

  • Dominic:

    The pedaling lesson was very helpful in throwing some light on what has been for me a murky area.  I am going to rework the moonlight sonata based on your lesson and that of john o'conor and the rachmaninov c sharp minor prelude in combination with claire huangci's lesson and see how I can start to incorporate this new knowledge into my playing.  I will give you an update when I manage to make progress.

    Thanks for the help

    • Pauline
    • Pauline
    • 1 yr ago
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    Such a beautiful, productive lesson! Thank you, Dominic!

    • Pauline
    • Pauline
    • 1 yr ago
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    Dominic, you are exceptional in your musicianship, musical expertise, as an educator and storyteller, with technology - -  and in the thoughtfulness category, too! I marvel at the way you were able to notice that the view on the screen during this lesson became bright at one point, and you adjusted it adeptly and quickly. Immediately, it made a noticeable difference. It softened the view and improved it for us all. Thank you!

  • Thanks, Dominic. Pedalling is often taken for granted; so this live is very comprehensive and useful, and I really needed this! 

    • Yolanda
    • Yolanda
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hi Dominic;   this is just my suggestion.   use the airturn app 

    Like 1
    • Yolanda 

      I do! I use the bluetooth airturn pedal. Works very nicely

    • Yolanda
    • Yolanda
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hi Dominic;  You and ben should open a topic about how to take advantage of today's technology to improve our learning & playing piano  ( Now, everyone is using I pad  and music tutor apps into our learning process) .

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