Chopin and Liszt: Frenemys?

Chopin and Liszt are two of the most beloved composers for the piano but had very different ways of performing music, and composition! They were both friends and rivals, and in this stream we will take a look at some of their music in comparison as well as showing their unique genius!


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We are going to be using this thread to gather suggestions and questions!          

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Chopin and Liszt are two of the most beloved composers for the piano but had very different ways of performing music, and composition! They were both friends and rivals, and in this stream we will take a look at some of their music in comparison as well as showing their unique genius!

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    • Brett Gilbert
    • Piano and classical guitar
    • brett_gilbert
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    Dominic Cheli Another interesting topic, thank you.  I can't remember which live stream, but you played Réminiscences de Don Juan, one of my favorite Liszt pieces but wow is it difficult (how long did it take you to learn?).  You did an amazing job, btw.  So much of his stuff looks unplayable to me compared to Chopin.  Is there a pathway for the average pianist to Liszt's works, and what can we learn from studying Liszt that we may not get from Chopin.   Perhaps you have some recommendations for more approachable Liszt works. 

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    • Brett Gilbert I will address this question in the livestream today!!

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